Fishing Trip to the Island – by Jaxon

Fishing Trip to the Island – by Jaxon

From our camp at the beach we can see a big brown island.  It’s too far away to swim to, but in Dean’s boat we were there in about a half an hour.  We left the boat launch at 8am, to go fishing out in the bay and be back in time to go to school at 12...
The day I caught my first fish – by Jaxon

The day I caught my first fish – by Jaxon

January 12, 2021 I love fishing and I go as much as I can. I would rather go fishing than do boring school work. I like fishing in the mornings and casting from the beach, sometimes I take the paddle board out and try to catch fish, but I haven’t caught one yet....
Guanajuato has Iguanas and a snake! – by Jaxon

Guanajuato has Iguanas and a snake! – by Jaxon

I really like visiting Guanajuato because we went for a walk for most of the days and one day we cam across a man carrying 2 Iguanas on his shoulders walking down the street. And we asked the man if we could hold them, he said yes if we gave him 20 pesos....
My 7th Birthday

My 7th Birthday

August 23rd is my real birthday, but we had my party on the day before which was the 22nd, it was a surprise party and I was surprised!  We had it at the bull ring by Jayla’s holiday house in San Miguel.  We had a bouncy castle, a horse to ride, a superman...
My time in San Miguel de Allende

My time in San Miguel de Allende

For half of July and all of August we rented this really nice house that has a curvy shaped swimming pool and a tv that we never get to use. I sleep in my Mum & Dad’s room, on a small bed that is very comfy. We have a big wide pool and a trampoline that we...
I like Guatemala because…

I like Guatemala because…

I got to drive Bruce on the big bumpy roads. I had to sit on dad’s lap because I couldn’t reach the pedals, so I did the steering and Dad did the speed and brakes. I like driving her, when I’m older and bigger I’ll drive her again. Guatemala...