Our mascot

What’s the story behind our logo?
Our truck mascot is Dog, the lead character in the NZ cartoon series Footrot Flats.
Dog is a Border Collie with a big personality. He cosisders himself tough and brave, but is quite soft. His real name, has never been revealed. A competent sheepdog and is often put to work to guard things or get rid of rats or pigs, but Border Collies have an independent streak and the Dog’s is a mile wide. He is fond of rabbits, afraid of hares and dislikes seeing trees being cut down. The Dog has claimed to have following commendations: V.C. (Very Cute), D.S.O. (Don’t Steal Offal), B.A.R. (What Sheep Do), along with the alias of ’00Dog’ (Licensed to be kind but fair).

My life long love of Dog & Border Collies, Spy was my 3rd, he had the same personality as ‘Dog’ and loved life. He passed a couple of years ago, but we like to keep his memory. So that’s the reason for the dog image on the camper and logo.

“It doesn’t matter what road you take, it’s who you have beside you”