Kids’ Page

Belize, March 2

Mexico to Belize Border Crossing Leaving Mexico was straightforward, we arrived at the border offices at 9am, no line ups or tour bus loads to deal with. First we surrendered our visitors visas & paid the exit taxes, (adults only) and got the exit stamp in the...

Driving in Mexico

Border crossing, at San Ysidro. - A new multi lane entry point for passport control coming from the US into Mexico. We were directed to the large x-ray machine for the truck first, from there we were directed to park at what appeared to be the bus depot, to go inside...

Izamal, El Cuyo & Isla Blanca, Feb 21 – 26

 The entire town of Izamal is painted yellow, including the old, simple stone, occupied convent is. Steeped in history, this pre-columbian Mayan city was significant politically and religiously. Today it's more of a tourist attraction. Decorated horse drawn buggies...

Puebla & Cholula, Jan 26 – 28

Puebla has been on my must see list of places for Mexico and I was excited to be visiting. I stupidly thought it was a smaller town, which it is compared to CDMX, but as we came in from the upper highway, i was blown away by just how big it was here. Upon arrival we...

Teotihuacan Pyramids & CDMX Jan 21 – 25

Ioverlander recommended we stay at El Rancho RV park, located a short distance from the Pyramids just North East of the city. Taking the toll road, we managed to navigate our way, but not with out error as coming through the toll road with multiple on ramps and fast...