Kids’ Page

Lockdown in Guatemala, April 1 – 19th

The past 2 weeks have passed by surprisingly fast, though the hours seem to sometimes drag. Judging by reports online it appears that the virus hasn't yet reached its peak in Central America, numbers are slowly but steadily climbing & how accurate they are is...

San Marcos & Quarantine March 16 – 31

San Marcos is a pretty lake side town with dual identities. The Mayan community of fisherman & farmers, who have been here since the beginning of their time and the travellers who come here seeking a 'higher sense of being'. Believed to be a place of special...



"I went hiking in the jungle. It was very colourful, the roots of the trees were very thick, if we tried to chop the roots in half it wouldn't work. The roots are too thick. " "My family and I went on a hike to find some birds, on the way we got close to the top of...

Mexico – by Jaxon 6.5 yrs

Mexico – by Jaxon 6.5 yrs

"The first picture is of Charley & I that time when Bruce got stuck in all that mud and we were supposed to stay in the truck, but we got bored and put our feet in the mud, it was cold and wet and we got it all over the inside of the truck. The next three photos...

Chichi – San Marcos, March 15.

Bruce behaved himself for the rest of the day. Passing along the mountain side towns, they all started to blurr one into another, as thoughts of how Covid-19 is causing the world to shut down. We've just had word that Whistler & Blackcomb mountains are closed for...

Lanquin – Chichicastenango, March 13 – 14

Feeling a little antsy about the virus and hearing of the border closing, we are keen to get to San Marcos asap. We left Lanquin gas station at 8am, just in time to sneak through the first part of the road works, but were stopped for a half hour at the next. Climbing...

Semuc Champey, March 12

At 10pm last night the music & lights went off and the gas station fell into darkness. The next morning when chatting to the gas station manager about getting over to see Semuc Champey, he recommended we take a private vehicle and that we could leave the truck...

Laguna las Pozas to Lanquin. March 10 – 11th.

For some reason I’m in the habit of waking at 3am, it could have something to do with that gin & tonic and going to bed early. Opening the computer I spent an hour editing photos before falling back to sleep till half six when I woke to the sound of a tuk-tuk...

Mexico – by Charley

Mexico – by Charley

I would say it’s a pretty cool experience to actually be in Mexico. I really like all the bright colours, especially at Christmas time. It’s very peaceful here with beautiful sunsets, sometimes we are up early enough to see the sun rise too, it’s usually a lot cooler...