Kids’ Page

Monarch Butterfly Reserve 19 – 20 January

I can’t say for certain where we are heading, other than on the map it’s marked as the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve, no major towns near by, is probably 100km West of Mexico City.   From Morelia we take the smaller roads East, driving is slow as we keep...

Urupan, 17- 18 January.

Volcanoes & buried villages at 2,500 meters. Hoping for a break from the heat we headed inland to the volcanic and avocado growing region of Urupan in search of the buried church we'd read about.  Following advice, we took the toll roads for safety, and a...

Zihuatanejo January 16th

Zihuatanejo is our next stop just a couple of hours down the road.  Smaller hotels line the waterfront at one end of the beach A smaller bay with a newer boardwalk winding around the rocks for walkers, runners & people taking a stroll. There are several sailboats...

Birds of Baja – By Charley & Jaxon

Birds of Baja – By Charley & Jaxon

Dec 14th 2019 I have seen so many different types of birds since we left home.   Baja is quite different from Canada, so naturally they will have different birds here,   We travel with my bird book, you know, the one with the owl on the front. It’s got lots...

Costa Aquilla Jan 13 – 15

Costa Aquilla Jan 13 – 15

 The further South we go the hotter and more humid it’s getting.  Strategy is now to be turning wheels as early as possible.  Winter time, so it’s dark till 7:30am, which does feel kinda odd in this heat, we are managing an 8:30am start.  The cool...

Topolombpo to Tokkiero, January 2nd – 14th.

Mainland Mexico, our first time here, we had heard it was very different from Baja and it is in every way, except for the same crazy drivers and never ending Tope's.  Arriving off the boat at 11pm, we spent the night parked up inside the port of Topolobampo,...

La Ventana Dec 13 – Jan 1, 2020

La Ventana Dec 13 – Jan 1, 2020

La Ventana is just 40 mins drive South of La Paz.  On the coast of another massive sandy bay, originally a fishing village, has transformed slowly over the past 20 years into a kiteboarding/windsurfing paradise for many Canadians & Americans.  As the...

Lovely Loreto & San Juanico

Lovely Loreto & San Juanico

December 3 - 8  Loreto is a quaint coastal town, and home to another Mission.  Pulling in around mid day, we parked up on an empty shaded lot and went for a walk through the old part of town.  Stopping in at the Mission, we learn it was built in 1697,...

Charley’s Sailing trip,  BVI

Charley’s Sailing trip, BVI

November 7 - 21, 2019 Our sailboat was a monohull, which is a boat that has just one normal shaped body.  It was 44 feet long & had 3 cabins below deck. The kitchen was small but not as small as the bathroom!  When I sat on the loo my knees nearly touched the...