1. Get up early, drive early so you can set up camp early. It’s usually cooler and leave time for the unexpected.
2. Learn the language, if even a little, locals are happy to help when you make an effort, every day you’ll learn a little more.
3. Not all Police in are corrupt. We have been stopped many times and not once were we extorted (or attempted) for money, they were always professional, friendly & helpful. Sometimes going out of their way to help.
4. Trying to dig your 10 tonne truck out of axle deep, moving wet sandy mud in the middle of nowhere, late in the afternoon, with more rain forecast isn’t a great scenario. Tipping well the three men who came to help get us out, priceless!
5. You will meet amazing people everywhere you go.
6. Know your destination for the night, and have a plan B & C alternatives incase A isn’t safe, listen to your gut feeling.
7. Carry 2 different credit cards from different banks, Murphys Law is that the one you use will be ‘incompatible’ with the vendors machine.
8. Print off multiple copies of BOTH sides of ALL documents, insurance, id’s, passports and vehicle papers, keep them in clear plastic pages, never hand over originals.
9. Slime your mountain bike tires, we’ve had countless punctures from cactus spines.
10. Wifi is nearly everywhere & often free, pick up a SIM card for your phone when you cross into a new country, they have amazing monthly data/calling deals. (Canada has the most expensive in North America).
11. This time together as a family has been the best experience ever.
12. If a world Pandemic breaks out and kills your dream plans of driving the Pan American highway – head to a beautiful beach and re-strategize over a cold margarita!