Count down, 9 days till we go. Departure day is October 24th, at the very latest. We have to be at Disneyland for the 29th, nothing like a deadline to get ya going.
Are we ready?? Nearly…. I was off in my estimates of just how long it takes to finish a house, all the small finishing details are the ones that take time, and logistics for departure.
So yes we will be ready to roll, but will be packing up the camper till the very last day. Winter is coming fast, watching the snow line creep down the mountain is a clear reminder we need to be getting on the road. ‘Bruce’ has had a full mechanic check & tune up, including a new alternator & clutch, belts, hoses etc. Camper box is clean & packed. Tim has changed the oil, installed new headlights, fuel pump & accelerator cable. All we have to do now is load the bikes, paddle & surf boards, kite gear & ourselves.

There’s much to do to get ready for a trip this size. All the admin for taking care of travel insurance, $1100 of vaccines Yellow Fever ain’t cheap. Closing all our subscription & utility accounts, company year ends & taxes, personal tax prep, up dating our Will’s, opening travel bank accounts, organizing the bills back home while away, the list was endless. We have often read about how people one day decide to quit their jobs, buy a van, sell everything and hit the road in 6 months. Oh what a dream that would be, but no, we just had to have a couple of kids first.
It’s Thanksgiving weekend, and we are spending it with as many friends & family as possible as he next 9 days will fly by & we won’t be seeing anyone for a long time. Kids are excited to get going, but sad to be leaving their friends behind, as are we. So please be sure to drop us a line from time to time with updates, we’d love to hear from you.
Hi! Team, how’s progress?
What have you found you’ve left behind?
You will be settling into some kind of routine now.
Enjoy the journey. We are proud of you.
Dennis & Jen ?
We miss our little buddies! Tell Charley there are four swans on Green Lake, having a quick rest on their way back down south. Keep an eye out for them. No sign of the owl who lives in your tree, but we’ll keep our ears open. Just dropped the pumpkin you gave us from the Fire Hall today. Looking forward to some travel updates! Stay safe ~ Katie, Todd & Nate