Sunday is always Family Day,  and living in Whistler there is no shortage of things to do.  We had been meaning to head up the mountain to check out the ‘ice walls’.  Each spring the mountain cuts in the summer road, revealing the true depth of the accumulated snow from winter.  They had melted considerably as we had a scorching May, but they were still impressive to say the least.  Taking the village gondola then peak chair to the mountain summit of 2,184m (7,165ft).  The peak offers stunning panoramic vistas of surrounding mountains,  In the distance we could see the rain looming ominously, we didn’t wait around to get wet & set off quickly.  The kids were troopers hiking Pikas Traverse back to The Round House for a well earned hot chocolate before heading back to the valley.  On the way down we passed over a Mumma black bear with her 3 cubs happily grazing on the lush grass & dandelions just a short distance from the high speed downhill bike park.   Jaxon loved watching all bikes ripping down the mountain, hitting jump after jump.  Am worried as he has built himself a jump in the driveway,  riding his 16″ wheel bike, he’s got the technique down.