Our winter has been unusually cold, a bitter ‘arctic vortex’, that just wouldn’t let up. Tim had been working out side far more than he’d like, so when I suggested we sneak away for a week kiting in Baja he didn’t need too much convincing.

Couple of weeks later we step off the last of the now grounded Boeing 373 MAX8 planes. Thankfully ours made it safely. We hadn’t yet heard of the 737 crash in Ethiopia. Big love to all those lives impacted.

The heat wraps around us as we step on to the Cabo tarmac, kids love it, instantly declaring Mexico the best place in the world! Oh, so cute, and we haven’t left the airport, easy to please. The 2hr drive from Cabo to La Ventana is quickly declared to be too long and we’re forced to make a detour. Not a moment of peace till they get their beach fix. Straight into the ocean, fully clothed, they didn’t care, salty and covered in sand, they were quite happy. Back on the road, contented they soon fall asleep and the rest of the drive is very quiet.

We love the Baja, the rugged beauty, the people, the sun, the heat, the wind and the still calm mornings to SUP. Each morning we would go for a paddle up the beach, kids would ride up front ray & fish spotting. On day 3 Charley declared she was ready to paddle her own board. And so she did, fiercely independent, strong and confident as she guides the 11 foot board along. For fun she would dive off to swim, then effortlessly ease herself back on. It was one of those moments when you really notice them growing up.

Sadly the wind wasn’t on our side this trip. 2 days out of 10 for kite-able wind. Not ideal, but we managed to fill our days with lots of nothing. For Tim’s 50th we went swimming with Whale Sharks in La Paz. What a surreal experience that was, our own Nat Geo moment. We had the boat & guide to ourselves, swam alongside several of these gentle giants, as they slowly cruised about the bay in fairly shallow waters. The kids loved it and didn’t hesitate to jump overboard. I wonder what they thought of us, more than once I locked eyes with one, no reaction, and on it swam, feeding on the plentiful plankton of the bay. Back on shore we got delicious, fresh fruit filled fast melting ice creams for the kids.

Back in La Ventana friends had organized a cake, balloons, dinner & drinks for Tim’s birthday celebration. It was a really nice evening spent overlooking the calm waters & a great way to end the day.

The last few days were spent lazily reading books in the hammock, beach walking, Margarita drinking, rock skimming & chit-chatting. On route back to the airport, we spent a lovely night with friends Brenda & Pat in Los Barriles. A buzzing beach town full of retirees who have had enough of the great Northern winters.

Sitting on the plane home we quickly made our to-do list so we can get on the road asap. Though our list is full of not just small items, like finish building the house, sell my business, pack up the house we’ve been in for 20 yrs… We resolve to get on the road by the end of summer….